Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Today AJ received an invitation in the mail to bowl in this year's 'Bowl-a-thon' to raise money for Special Olympics. I was asking him if he wanted to participate and trying to explain what it was all about. I told him he would have to call people and ask for pledges. He considered that a moment, then sat up tall, looked straight ahead and put his hand over his heart.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Donald Trump

AJ and I were wrestling. I started tickling him and he was giggling like always. All of the sudden he stopped, looked at me and yelled, "You're fired!"

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Today, due to a cooking mishap, the smoke alarms in the house went off. AJ ran right outside! On the icy deck...barefoot in shorts and a t-shirt...but good thinking nevertheless...

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Today's note home from the teacher said that AJ, "Knows his letters better than the regular ed students in reading."


Saturday, January 6, 2007

Friday, January 5, 2007

He's the Man

Looking ahead, I bought AJ some deodorant today. Given his frequent reluctance to try new things, I decided that if I started introducing it now, he would gradually get used to it and get accustomed to using it regularly by the time he actually needs it.

I showed it to him after his shower. He was absolutely thrilled. You would have thought I'd bought him the greatest toy on earth. He took off the cover and confidently slapped it on like a pro despite never having used it before. Cracked me up.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Time for a haircut...

I set up the chair, and tell AJ to sit dow
n while I go into the other room to get the clippers.

I come back, he's giggling like a maniac, and here's what I find....


I asked AJ if I could watch TV with him. Teasing, he said, "No."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because." He replied.

"Because why?" I asked.

"Because..." He thought a second, "I not need a because."

Monday, January 1, 2007

Flu Vaccine

AJ got his annual flu vaccine this year as always.

I had planned on getting the new flu mist for him. Injections are always a major traumatic event involving 3-4 people to complete the task. So, I was very excited about the flu mist nasal spray option.

On the way to the doctor's office, I just told him he was getting "nose spray" to keep well. He's a pro with nose spray, so he didn't think it was any big deal.

However, when we got to the office, they wouldn't give him the mist because of his asthma.

So, while one nurse and I held him still as the second nurse gave him an injection, he was screaming and calling me "CHEATER!"

Yeah...I felt like a real heel.

However, as always he had outstandingly good manners and thanked the nurse that jabbed him.

I, too, was forgiven... after purchasing that stupid Power Ranger toy...


AJ has a passion for music and is a big fan of Broadway...

On the way home one evening, AJ was singing happily to himself in the car.

I remarked, "That's a nice song."

He very clearly replied, "Harmony."

Amused and amazed, I asked, "What's harmony?"

He immediately replied, "A duet."

Next time they need a sub for the music teacher at school, maybe he can fill in…

Excuse Me!

We were shopping at the Asian market. AJ was looking in the glass case in the seafood section at all of the fish on ice, which still have their heads. He really studies them.

He stands up on his toes, trying to see over the counter. He clears his throat several times to try to get the guy behind the counter's attention. Finally, he says loudly, "Excuse me. Excuse me! Your fish died."

Luckily the guy behind the counter either didn't understand him or didn't speak much English.


AJ was sitting on my lap facing me and pushing my lips up and down, scrunching them for fish lips, etc.

Suddenly, he pushes all of my hair way back off my forehead, looks hard at me for a minute then says, "Grandpa!" (My dad has a rather prominent receding hairline!!!)

Hot Dog!

One morning, AJ and I are in the gas station. He's trying to talk me into a hotdog. "I hungry." That didn't work. "Delicious, huh?" Answer is still no. "A bun?" No, nothing.

He looks at me, grins and asks, "You over it?"

What's the Problem?

I was getting after AJ one day for a report from school about using inappropriate language in Mrs. Smetana's classroom.

He got the usual "You know better/That's not funny" speech. Exasperated, I finally asked him, "What's the problem?"

He looked at me solemnly for a minute then replied, "My lips."