Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Looking Good

I was in AJ's room, putting clean linen on the bed. He comes in fresh from his shower and pulls out clothes to put on for bed. A ratty old t-shirt of mine and a pair of incredibly baggy boxer shorts he snagged from Grandpa.

He puts them on, then admires himself in the mirror. He turns and asks me, "How do I look?"

"Comfortable." I reply.

He rolls his eyes at me, "No, Mom. Perfect."

Really too bad about his low self-esteem.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mommy Must be a Monster

I was tucking AJ into bed last night and sort of rubbing his back. He begins to relax and then tells me, "AJ itchy. Use claws."

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Day of School

AJ started school yesterday. We really raised the bar as far as addressing targeted behaviors and, so far, so good...

Last year, we finally got to the point where I dropped him at the curb and he walked into school by himself where his aide would wave at me that they had him. He had some major changes this year...new classroom on the opposite end of the building, new locker, new door to line up at in the morning. I took him up to school every day the week before school to practice finding the right door, finding his locker, learning how to open the locker, etc. and finding his classroom.

First day of school. I drop him at the curb...he goes right to the correct door. Greets friends, hanging out. After a few minutes, turns around to see I am still parked at the curb watching to make sure he's okay. He's appalled. Stomps his foot, points to the exit and hollers, "Go! Got it! FINE!" So...I drive out of sight. Park the car. Enter the building on the opposite end, hide around the corner to watch. He walked in nicely with his classmates, found his locker, got his folder out, hung his backpack, closed his locker quietly and went into the right classroom.

You know what?

I need to "Go!" He's "Got it!" He's just "FINE!"

Geesh, Mom...grow up.