Thursday, September 17, 2009

Solar System

For years now, when asked what he did in school, AJ usually replies with a rather vague "Nothing" or "Lunch".

Not one to give up, when he got off the bus today, I asked him
, as I do every day, what he did at school today.

I got an enthusiastic, "Planets. Pluto and Saturn."

I was impressed. And, indeed the lesson plans sent home from school all week have said that they are learning about the solar system.

So, while we were out for a bike ride, I was asking him to name the planets for me. He again named Pluto and Saturn. I asked him to name another planet. He thought, and then told me "Moon."

I kept pushing, asking for him to name one more planet. He thought for a long, long time and then excitedly exclaimed, "I know! Animal Planet!"

Monday, September 7, 2009


AJ is really interested in dinosaurs right now.

We've been out roaming in the woods behind the house the last two afternoons, looking for treasures.

Today, much to his delight, AJ found a good portion of a DINOSAUR skeleton including the teeth and head. It appears to be a Deerosaurus, that were known to roam these woods during the Triassic and Jurassic periods. He loaded it all up in a grocery bag and hauled it back to the house.

He wants me to put it back the "museum". Near as I can figure, it's one of those half-spined, no-necked, one-legged Deerosauruses.

We're definitely gonna need Grandpa.