Tuesday, July 17, 2007

AJ loved to ride his bike....until he got too big for his farm tricycle four years ago. I've tried everything...big fat training wheels, the tag-along on my bike...you name it. Everything was pure torture for him and he hated it. He seemed absolutely petrified every time he got on the two-wheeler no matter how much we practiced. I finally figured there just must be something I was missing about the whole deal. This link about Down Syndrome, poor vision, muscle tone, ligamentous laxity and balance pretty much was talking about AJ:


So, here's pics of AJ on the new trike he got a couple weeks ago. He thinks he's big stuff when he rides into town to help me run errands. The other day we rode to the library to return a movie, to Village Hall to pay the water bill and to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner. That basket comes in handy...he toted home four bags of groceries!

He LOVES it and is so proud to be out and riding in the neighborhood. Unlike I worried about, he's gotten nothing but positive comments from the kids in the neighborhood about how "cool" it is. He doesn't call it "my bike". He calls it "my OWN bike".

1 comment:

vix said...

That is one cool bike!

I need something like that!

Look at that smile! worth a bizillion dollars..

vix :)