Tuesday, January 29, 2008

There was a two hour school delay....

I explained to AJ that there was a delay and that he was coming to the office to help me work 'cause Jody (co-worker) and I have a lot to do (we had both set aside the entire day to do file review on 138 files). Keep in mind that AJ absolutely ADORES Jody and her big blue eyes. He always makes a bee-line straight to her office to see if she's there...which works for me 'cause when I need to bring him to the office she watches him for me while I do what I need to do...


I explain to him that Jody and I need him to help pull, stack and carry files. (And he really was a good helper!) He asked me, "AJ work?"

I told him, that he was going to have a job at the office and do some work.

"AJ money?"


I asked if he thought he should get paid money to do the work.


I asked how much.

"Ten dollars."

(The offer was very firm, no room for negotiating.)

I asked him what he was going to do with the money.

"Give Jody."

She was delighted with the arrangement.

I was not.

1 comment:

Tamara said...

He so deserved that money!!! :-)