Tuesday, November 3, 2009

He's Back!

AJ was in the hospital with H1N1 and pneumonia and hasn't been to school in 10 days.  Thankfully, despite the scare he gave everyone, he's recovering nicely.

When I told him last night that he was going back to school for part of the day today, he was thrilled and immediately told me they were having a party for him. I asked what kind of a party and he told me, "Donuts".  (?!)  As I highly doubted that his teacher was in any way prepared for the party he had planned for himself, we had to stop and buy donuts and cider on the way in to school this morning.  He couldn't have been more pleased. 

I think he knows what a lot of us tend to forget.  Celebrating the fact that you are alive and planning a party for yourself because of it is simply the right thing to do!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Soccer Star

AJ played in his first Special Olympic State Soccer Tournament this weekend. He had a great time and did really well! Here's a few pictures:

And some video (He's the one in yellow that starts out with the ball):

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Solar System

For years now, when asked what he did in school, AJ usually replies with a rather vague "Nothing" or "Lunch".

Not one to give up, when he got off the bus today, I asked him
, as I do every day, what he did at school today.

I got an enthusiastic, "Planets. Pluto and Saturn."

I was impressed. And, indeed the lesson plans sent home from school all week have said that they are learning about the solar system.

So, while we were out for a bike ride, I was asking him to name the planets for me. He again named Pluto and Saturn. I asked him to name another planet. He thought, and then told me "Moon."

I kept pushing, asking for him to name one more planet. He thought for a long, long time and then excitedly exclaimed, "I know! Animal Planet!"

Monday, September 7, 2009


AJ is really interested in dinosaurs right now.

We've been out roaming in the woods behind the house the last two afternoons, looking for treasures.

Today, much to his delight, AJ found a good portion of a DINOSAUR skeleton including the teeth and head. It appears to be a Deerosaurus, that were known to roam these woods during the Triassic and Jurassic periods. He loaded it all up in a grocery bag and hauled it back to the house.

He wants me to put it back together...like the "museum". Near as I can figure, it's one of those half-spined, no-necked, one-legged Deerosauruses.

We're definitely gonna need Grandpa.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

What Is It?

Despite my best efforts, AJ continues to refer to a "Skunk" as a "Stunk"...which really makes a lot more sense if you think about it...

Anyway, as we're driving home, we pass a "stunk" that has been hit by a car. This of course leads to animated comments from AJ about how terrible it smells, how disgusting it is, etc.

He asks, "What a Stunk?"

I reply, "What do you think a skunk is?"

He ponders and replies, "Cat with smelly medicine."

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's Not Halloween Yet....

I woke up one morning to the promise of a hot and humid Michigan day. I decided to wear that jumper that hadn't been pulled out of my closet in quite some time. Keep in mind, the dress code at work is pretty casual and I very rarely wear a dress....

When I came down the hall, AJ looked me over, patted me on the head and commented seriously, "I like your costume."

Friday, May 1, 2009


AJ often substitutes words and language he knows for lyrics of songs...it makes me giggle to myself.

But today...I had to laugh out loud....

Right now, he's stuck on the soundtrack from Jesus Christ Superstar. He was singing at the top of his lungs in the car on the way home from school. I was very amused to find out that, according to AJ's lyrics, Jesus was "King of the Shoes."

And, to think....all along I was lead to believe Jesus was Jewish.

Friday, April 17, 2009


AJ's on a huge growth spurt.

This morning, he snagged me in the hall and gave me a hug. Suddenly, he put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me away to arms length. He put his hand on my head then over his head, measuring.

Grinning, he announced, "You're shorter again!"

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pet Names

AJ has never quite caught on to the Mister and Misses thing. Despite everyone's best efforts, he simply calls all of his teacher by their last names. Sometimes, however, he just can't quite remember the whole last name.

AJ's regular ed teacher caught me in the parking lot the other day. Her name is Mrs. VanHoe. With a smile, she was remarking how it makes her laugh every time he addresses her.

He simply calls her Ho'.

I told her that I was sure he means it affectionately!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


AJ and I were doing his reading homework. He buzzed through reading the assigned 'Max' worksheet three times with lightning speed with the exception of stumbling over the word "said" each of the three times it appeared on the sheet.

When he was done, I told him that I had a test: "Find said."

He pointed twice at what seemed to be random. I thought maybe he didn't understand what I was asking.

I repeated "Find said."

Again, he pointed twice at what seemed to be random. I was puzzled at why he was so confused.

I told him a third time, "Find said."

He pointed twice and it hit me that he WASN'T pointing at random...he was pointing at the quotation marks!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I was tucking AJ into bed the other night. As I lean over to give him a kiss, he lets loose the biggest, loudest fart you've ever heard....and proceeds to giggle hysterically.

Not being a boy, I don't find it nearly as amusing as he does, immediately back away, say a distant goodnight from the doorway and make a quick exit.

He desperately tries to persuade me to come back:

AJ: "Mom. Hug"

Mom: "No way."

AJ: "Mom...c'mere. Kiss."

Mom: "Nope. Go to sleep"

AJ: "Mom. No more stink."

"Yes it does. Goodnight"

AJ: "Mom. Hug. Please."

Mom: "Nope!"

AJ: "Kiss!"

Mom: "No way."

AJ: "Mommmm......be friendly!"