Wednesday, January 28, 2009


AJ and I were doing his reading homework. He buzzed through reading the assigned 'Max' worksheet three times with lightning speed with the exception of stumbling over the word "said" each of the three times it appeared on the sheet.

When he was done, I told him that I had a test: "Find said."

He pointed twice at what seemed to be random. I thought maybe he didn't understand what I was asking.

I repeated "Find said."

Again, he pointed twice at what seemed to be random. I was puzzled at why he was so confused.

I told him a third time, "Find said."

He pointed twice and it hit me that he WASN'T pointing at random...he was pointing at the quotation marks!


Tamara said...

And it took you how long to figure that one out? :-)

Anonymous said...


Dustin is 25 and still hasn't grown out of poop and fart jokes.

Good luck with AJ.....

P.S. Be friendly!