Thursday, September 17, 2009

Solar System

For years now, when asked what he did in school, AJ usually replies with a rather vague "Nothing" or "Lunch".

Not one to give up, when he got off the bus today, I asked him
, as I do every day, what he did at school today.

I got an enthusiastic, "Planets. Pluto and Saturn."

I was impressed. And, indeed the lesson plans sent home from school all week have said that they are learning about the solar system.

So, while we were out for a bike ride, I was asking him to name the planets for me. He again named Pluto and Saturn. I asked him to name another planet. He thought, and then told me "Moon."

I kept pushing, asking for him to name one more planet. He thought for a long, long time and then excitedly exclaimed, "I know! Animal Planet!"

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Awesome - It's incredible when any boy decides to actually tell you something about their day. And Animal Planet is more of a planet than Pluto!!! Unless, of course, you live in Illinois. Illinois has declared that Pluto is still a planet in our state!!! :-) Amazing what legislatures worry about ...