Tuesday, November 3, 2009

He's Back!

AJ was in the hospital with H1N1 and pneumonia and hasn't been to school in 10 days.  Thankfully, despite the scare he gave everyone, he's recovering nicely.

When I told him last night that he was going back to school for part of the day today, he was thrilled and immediately told me they were having a party for him. I asked what kind of a party and he told me, "Donuts".  (?!)  As I highly doubted that his teacher was in any way prepared for the party he had planned for himself, we had to stop and buy donuts and cider on the way in to school this morning.  He couldn't have been more pleased. 

I think he knows what a lot of us tend to forget.  Celebrating the fact that you are alive and planning a party for yourself because of it is simply the right thing to do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely!! I'm with A.J.
I sooo love your blog!! My son just turned six years old and I CAN'T wait until he can talk well enough to tell me some of these funny things!!! Your blog has made me smile and be reminded how truly magical our special children are!!! Thanks! : )