Sunday, April 1, 2007


In the car AJ out of the blue says, "Amber."

Mom: "Amber, who?"

AJ: "Amber school."

Mom: "Amber at school?"

AJ: "Yeah. I like her."

Mom: "You do? Is she your girlfriend?"

AJ: "Yeah."

Mom: "Is she nice?"

AJ: "Yeah."

Mom: "Is she in Mrs. Smetana's class?"

AJ: "Yeah. Pledge."

Mom: "She does the Pledge of Allegiance?"

AJ: "Yeah." (He recites the Pledge.)

Mom: "Do you eat lunch with her?"

AJ: "No. Not lunch."

Mom (Knowing he usually goes for the blondes): "What color hair does she have?"

AJ: "Stripes."

I gotta meet this girl.

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