Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

Big Foot

School was closed today due to an ice storm. After things melted off a bit, I decided to drag AJ out to do some Christmas shopping for his cousins and teachers. (Okay. I admit it, there was a bit of a bribe involving lunch at his favorite restaurant, Mongolian Buffet.)

I kept getting after him for walking slow (-er than usual) and, well...weird. After about the tenth time I said something to him it occurred to me to check his shoes. They certainly did seem a little tight...could account for how he was walking. We popped into the nearest shoe store to get measured. He limped in wearing a size three. He skipped out wearing a size 4 1/2.

There are lots of up-sides to having a kid that never complains about anything, but this isn't one of them.

Yeah...as a matter of fact I do feel like a real jerk.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ho, Ho....Uh-Oh

AJ, in his spontaneous way, can sometimes unknowingly make things seem a bit better...

We decorated the house for Christmas today. Began with him helping me put up the tree...putting all the branches in the wrong places so it looked like a sculpted shrub until I got everything where it belonged. Then, I got lots of 'help' putting on the lights, which amounted to untangling the stuff I had already untangled but he was trying to put on the tree while I was putting on the other end. Finished that and repeated the process with his continued 'help' with the garland. Hoping to distract him, I brought in the 20 gallon plastic container of decorations. I immediately recognized this as a mistake as the tub was excitedly and promptly dumped upside down so he could look at everything that was in there all at once. While trying to decorate the tree, he decided he was hungry, so the decorating process was interrupted to make some pizza. While he was busy eating in front of a Christmas movie, I proceeded to decorate the tree as quickly as possible to avoid more 'help'. He announced that he needed more juice. In an effort to promote independence (and because I was still trying to untangle the garland he had assisted with), I asked him to get it himself. He happily dashed to the kitchen, pulled out the gallon pitcher of lime-aid and immediately dropped onto the floor. This catastrophe necessitated having to wash the sticky mess off the floor, including pulling out the refrigerator to get at the lime-aid that had made it's way under there. All the towels it took to mop up the mess made for yet another load of laundry. There was just enough juice left in the bottom of the pitcher to fill him a cup to drink. We went back to the living room to continue decorating. I kept working on the tree. He busily pushed every button on every singing, noise-making Christmas toy bombarding me with Santas, snowmen and a host of other winter characters belting out a variety of Christmas carols. Either he lost interest in that or all of the batteries in all of those toys died (I haven't checked yet...might not until New Year's). Suddenly it was quiet...for a few seconds. He turned on the Christmas piano, setting forth another barrage of Christmas melodies to which he made up his own words: "Christmas...Mom is nuts. Lights. Crazy mom. Decorations. Thank you, Mommy...Christmas tree. Happy. Merry Christmas. Thank you Mom."

Okay. I'm a sucker...I'll decorate with him again next year.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Abra Cadabra

I was a bit early picking AJ up from school. As I walked in, his aide spotted me from the office and pointed me toward his classroom. The door to the classroom was ajar. AJ's back was turned and so was his teacher's. The kids were busy readying the classroom for the weekend, stacking chairs and the like, and no one really took notice of me. I quickly crossed the room and sat in a chair in the corner, fairly out of sight.

I chuckled as his teacher, who was obviously glad it was Friday, displayed extreme self control trying to get the kids (who were also obviously glad it was Friday), to finish their assigned tasks.

AJ pushed stacked chairs in the opposite direction of which they should go. Not that he didn't understand...he understood perfectly well that he was clowning and had the attention of the boy giggling next to him. That finished, his teacher directed him to finish putting away the clean dishes on the sink. He started toward the sink, she turned away and he began happily fiddling with the pencil sharpener. After a bit, she turned back his way and he scurried toward the sink.

Coming my way with a couple of clean dishes to be put away, he finally spotted me in the corner. I told him, "I saw you goofing around with that pencil sharpener instead of doing your job."

He looked stunned and said with awe, "You're magic!"

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Looking Good

I was in AJ's room, putting clean linen on the bed. He comes in fresh from his shower and pulls out clothes to put on for bed. A ratty old t-shirt of mine and a pair of incredibly baggy boxer shorts he snagged from Grandpa.

He puts them on, then admires himself in the mirror. He turns and asks me, "How do I look?"

"Comfortable." I reply.

He rolls his eyes at me, "No, Mom. Perfect."

Really too bad about his low self-esteem.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mommy Must be a Monster

I was tucking AJ into bed last night and sort of rubbing his back. He begins to relax and then tells me, "AJ itchy. Use claws."

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Day of School

AJ started school yesterday. We really raised the bar as far as addressing targeted behaviors and, so far, so good...

Last year, we finally got to the point where I dropped him at the curb and he walked into school by himself where his aide would wave at me that they had him. He had some major changes this year...new classroom on the opposite end of the building, new locker, new door to line up at in the morning. I took him up to school every day the week before school to practice finding the right door, finding his locker, learning how to open the locker, etc. and finding his classroom.

First day of school. I drop him at the curb...he goes right to the correct door. Greets friends, hanging out. After a few minutes, turns around to see I am still parked at the curb watching to make sure he's okay. He's appalled. Stomps his foot, points to the exit and hollers, "Go! Got it! FINE!" So...I drive out of sight. Park the car. Enter the building on the opposite end, hide around the corner to watch. He walked in nicely with his classmates, found his locker, got his folder out, hung his backpack, closed his locker quietly and went into the right classroom.

You know what?

I need to "Go!" He's "Got it!" He's just "FINE!"

Geesh, Mom...grow up.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

First Shave

AJ came out of the bathroom and announced to Caleb, who's watching him this summer, that he had "Shave a mustache".

Caleb said he saw hair on his face and shirt and couldn't quite figure out what was going on. Upon closer inspection, indeed AJ had shaved...one eyebrow.

Poor Caleb was so worried I'd be mad...I found the whole thing rather funny. What kid hasn't tried to cut his own hair...or whatever?

Did tell Caleb that, when it is time for AJ to learn to shave, we'd be calling him home from college and I expect that he will teach him to shave properly!

Friday, August 10, 2007

We were walking into Dollar General the other day. AJ held the door for me and then for the elderly lady behind us (Good boy! I've been working on that since he was big enough not to have the door crush him.) I thought he was behind me, but, glancing back, I see he is still holding the door and watching two teen girls walking across the parking lot. He patiently waits and waits until the two girls get to the door he's holding. He gets big thank-you's, and is quite obviously pleased with himself . He trots up to me, grins and announces, "They gorgeous."

Thursday, August 9, 2007


We rode our bikes to the library to return some books. On the way home, AJ decided that he wanted to take an alternate route. I followed. He wound around a couple of different blocks, then told me he wanted to "Go home". We rode up to the next corner. He looked left, looked right, looked straight ahead and then gave me a quizzical look and asked, "Where'd go home go?"

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

AJ loved to ride his bike....until he got too big for his farm tricycle four years ago. I've tried everything...big fat training wheels, the tag-along on my bike...you name it. Everything was pure torture for him and he hated it. He seemed absolutely petrified every time he got on the two-wheeler no matter how much we practiced. I finally figured there just must be something I was missing about the whole deal. This link about Down Syndrome, poor vision, muscle tone, ligamentous laxity and balance pretty much was talking about AJ:


So, here's pics of AJ on the new trike he got a couple weeks ago. He thinks he's big stuff when he rides into town to help me run errands. The other day we rode to the library to return a movie, to Village Hall to pay the water bill and to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner. That basket comes in handy...he toted home four bags of groceries!

He LOVES it and is so proud to be out and riding in the neighborhood. Unlike I worried about, he's gotten nothing but positive comments from the kids in the neighborhood about how "cool" it is. He doesn't call it "my bike". He calls it "my OWN bike".

Sunday, July 15, 2007


We were finished doing our running around Saturday and on our way to find some lunch. Told AJ we were going to find a restaurant. We passed McDonald's. He pointed, "There it is!" I told him that we were going to find a "sit down" restaurant. He looked disappointed.

We passed Burger King, he pointed and said "Speed."

"Huh?" I asked.

"Speed food!"

The rest of us call it fast food...but...I got the point.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007


We've taken AJ out golfing a few times the past couple years. He loves it this year! We have him play a scramble and drop a ball near one of ours. He played all nine holes both times and was an absolute riot. When he’d hit a ball off the tee he didn’t like, we’d ask him if he wanted to take a Mulligan and give him another ball. After a while when he didn’t like his shot, he started asking on his own…for a “Missed-Again.”

Golf according to AJ:

Don’t give a second thought to handing someone else the club you just used and expecting them to put it back in your bag for you.

You may start getting tired around the sixth hole. Feel free to sit on the grass to plant your tee in the ground so that you can fully concentrate on balancing your ball on it prior to hitting.

Golfing is much like being in a parade. Wave at everyone within your field of vision. If they are close enough, feel free to try and start a conversation.

When someone hits and creates a divot, yell, “Too bad!” and then run after the chunk of grass with wild abandon and replace it for them with a grin.

If someone “whiffs” and misses the ball entirely let out that belly-roar that others would politely hold back.

Flatly refuse to drive the cart. If someone insists that you should at least try, make them work the accelerator while you steer.

If you hit a shot that you are particularly pleased with, hustle right over to the nearest person and hug them.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Do You Understand?

AJ was out playing with some neighborhood kids this evening. They were all making a "garden". Daina told AJ to come with her to get more rocks. AJ immediately picked up a shovel and began digging.

Riley said to Daina, "I don't think he understands."

Daina, who adores AJ, looked at Riley in disgust and replied, "Oh, he understands, he just doesn't care what I said."

Daina's going to be a really good mother someday!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Today's note from the teacher:

Gave him the Brigance (test) today. That was an experience. Did you know that one dollar bills are called "buyadrink" and that two one dollar bills are called "one-two buyadrink"? I didn't know they had new names!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Loach: a.ka. - "Snake Fish"

This morning, AJ was sitting in front of the aquarium eating his breakfast. He pointed to one of the loaches and asked, "What's his name?"

I told him that he had never really named it, but that he could name it whatever he wanted. He thought a minute and replied, "Snake Fish."

"Well," I replied, "That's what it is, but that's not a name. You are a boy and your name is AJ. That big snake fish, what could you name him?"

He thought again and firmly stated, "Grandpa."

"That's a good name," I told him. "What do you want to name the little snake fish?"

Without hesitation he answered, "Grandma."

His grandparents will be so flattered.

Monday, April 23, 2007


I recently bought a whole coconut thinking it would be fun and interesting for AJ to see how it was opened and what was inside. He was immediately intrigued. I pierced the eye and was shaking the coconut milk into a glass. He was watching intently and dancing along to the rhythm of my shaking. I laughed and told him, "Sing!" He immediately broke into song. The tune was vaguely familiar and I kept hearing the word 'coconut' and saw him put his hands on his stomach a couple of times. He quite obviously knew exactly what he was singing. It took me a minute to catch on to the lyrics...but then I got it and I have no idea how he knows it:

Brother bought a coconut, he bought it for a dime
His sister had another one, she paid if for a lime
She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up
She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up
She put the lime in the coconut, she drank them both up
She put a lime in the coconut, she called the doctor, woke him up
And said, "Doctor ain't there nothing I can take.
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?
I say, Doctor, ain't there nothing I can take
I say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?"

~ Harry Nilsson~

Sunday, April 1, 2007


In the car AJ out of the blue says, "Amber."

Mom: "Amber, who?"

AJ: "Amber school."

Mom: "Amber at school?"

AJ: "Yeah. I like her."

Mom: "You do? Is she your girlfriend?"

AJ: "Yeah."

Mom: "Is she nice?"

AJ: "Yeah."

Mom: "Is she in Mrs. Smetana's class?"

AJ: "Yeah. Pledge."

Mom: "She does the Pledge of Allegiance?"

AJ: "Yeah." (He recites the Pledge.)

Mom: "Do you eat lunch with her?"

AJ: "No. Not lunch."

Mom (Knowing he usually goes for the blondes): "What color hair does she have?"

AJ: "Stripes."

I gotta meet this girl.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Small Town

After dinner, I wanted to take the dog for a walk. AJ insisted that, on this walk, he needed to wear his Batman costume...complete with ankle length black cape and full face mask. I'm not thrilled, but...whatever... Off we go... We get to the middle school playground where about two dozen boys between the ages of 6 and 16 are playing basketball. AJ makes a sprint toward the courts. Several kids good naturedly holler, "Hi, Batman!" AJ rips off the mask and cape, and smiles, replying, "It's me. AJ." He hands me the costume, tells me, "Hold this" and runs off. Someone tosses him a ball. He's involves himself in two different games. Depending on where he is at any given moment, the boys either include him, or dodge him in a gallant effort not to squash him. He's having a blast giving and getting high fives and telling everyone "Good shot!" even if they miss the basket by a mile. After a while he tires. Wanders back to me and dons his costume once again. As we're leaving, one kid near rides his bike over to AJ and asks, "Hey, Batman. Want a piece of candy?" We continue our walk. Only in a small town...


Notice that AJ's lips are very dry. The only lip balm I have is the kind you have to dip your finger in to put on...seems like a disaster waiting to happen, so we make a quick stop at a gas station to buy a tube of chapstick.

Back in the car, I hand it to AJ. He never sees me put on anything but the stuff that I put on with my finger. I curiously watch to see if he knows what to do. He purses his lips and applies the chapstick carefully. Lips still pursed, he says in a high-pitched voice, "Hi. I'm Grandma." Guess he's been watching when Grandma puts on her lipstick!

Improved Math Skills

AJ was watching TV. Told him it would be time for bed in ten minutes. He replied, "How 'bout forty-eight?"

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A.J. zipped his coat all by himself for the first time today!
Even without being told...took me totally by surprise.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


Note from the teacher:

"Today during reading...we were sounding out words. I wrote 'hat' on the board. He totally independently sounded the word and said it correctly with NO prompts. AWESOME!"

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Today AJ received an invitation in the mail to bowl in this year's 'Bowl-a-thon' to raise money for Special Olympics. I was asking him if he wanted to participate and trying to explain what it was all about. I told him he would have to call people and ask for pledges. He considered that a moment, then sat up tall, looked straight ahead and put his hand over his heart.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Donald Trump

AJ and I were wrestling. I started tickling him and he was giggling like always. All of the sudden he stopped, looked at me and yelled, "You're fired!"

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Today, due to a cooking mishap, the smoke alarms in the house went off. AJ ran right outside! On the icy deck...barefoot in shorts and a t-shirt...but good thinking nevertheless...

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Today's note home from the teacher said that AJ, "Knows his letters better than the regular ed students in reading."


Saturday, January 6, 2007

Friday, January 5, 2007

He's the Man

Looking ahead, I bought AJ some deodorant today. Given his frequent reluctance to try new things, I decided that if I started introducing it now, he would gradually get used to it and get accustomed to using it regularly by the time he actually needs it.

I showed it to him after his shower. He was absolutely thrilled. You would have thought I'd bought him the greatest toy on earth. He took off the cover and confidently slapped it on like a pro despite never having used it before. Cracked me up.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Time for a haircut...

I set up the chair, and tell AJ to sit dow
n while I go into the other room to get the clippers.

I come back, he's giggling like a maniac, and here's what I find....


I asked AJ if I could watch TV with him. Teasing, he said, "No."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because." He replied.

"Because why?" I asked.

"Because..." He thought a second, "I not need a because."

Monday, January 1, 2007

Flu Vaccine

AJ got his annual flu vaccine this year as always.

I had planned on getting the new flu mist for him. Injections are always a major traumatic event involving 3-4 people to complete the task. So, I was very excited about the flu mist nasal spray option.

On the way to the doctor's office, I just told him he was getting "nose spray" to keep well. He's a pro with nose spray, so he didn't think it was any big deal.

However, when we got to the office, they wouldn't give him the mist because of his asthma.

So, while one nurse and I held him still as the second nurse gave him an injection, he was screaming and calling me "CHEATER!"

Yeah...I felt like a real heel.

However, as always he had outstandingly good manners and thanked the nurse that jabbed him.

I, too, was forgiven... after purchasing that stupid Power Ranger toy...


AJ has a passion for music and is a big fan of Broadway...

On the way home one evening, AJ was singing happily to himself in the car.

I remarked, "That's a nice song."

He very clearly replied, "Harmony."

Amused and amazed, I asked, "What's harmony?"

He immediately replied, "A duet."

Next time they need a sub for the music teacher at school, maybe he can fill in…

Excuse Me!

We were shopping at the Asian market. AJ was looking in the glass case in the seafood section at all of the fish on ice, which still have their heads. He really studies them.

He stands up on his toes, trying to see over the counter. He clears his throat several times to try to get the guy behind the counter's attention. Finally, he says loudly, "Excuse me. Excuse me! Your fish died."

Luckily the guy behind the counter either didn't understand him or didn't speak much English.


AJ was sitting on my lap facing me and pushing my lips up and down, scrunching them for fish lips, etc.

Suddenly, he pushes all of my hair way back off my forehead, looks hard at me for a minute then says, "Grandpa!" (My dad has a rather prominent receding hairline!!!)

Hot Dog!

One morning, AJ and I are in the gas station. He's trying to talk me into a hotdog. "I hungry." That didn't work. "Delicious, huh?" Answer is still no. "A bun?" No, nothing.

He looks at me, grins and asks, "You over it?"

What's the Problem?

I was getting after AJ one day for a report from school about using inappropriate language in Mrs. Smetana's classroom.

He got the usual "You know better/That's not funny" speech. Exasperated, I finally asked him, "What's the problem?"

He looked at me solemnly for a minute then replied, "My lips."